Being the Boss of Our Recovery
Being the Boss of Our Recovery

Being the Boss of Our Recovery

The idea of giving up complete control of our lives and submitting to a set program that was created for everyone, even though we are not all the same, is just really unappealing. But treatment has been changing.

Now, not only do we have the opportunity of choosing different types of therapy and treatment options, we are encouraged to make those choices ourselves. We don’t need to pretend we are just like everyone else. We can be the boss of our recovery.

Re-thinking Treatment

For so many years now, people have come to the treatment plan instead of the other way around.

Because the 12-step program has helped so many people, it is a readily available treatment plan in many facilities. However, there are also programs like SMART Recovery available for those who do not want a spiritual component to their treatment plan, or who prefer fewer meetings, or other aspects of this plan.

As we continue to re-think treatment, there are increasingly more options available to us.

Options for All

The traditional 12-step plan is highly successful because it involves us surrendering to a higher power. Whether or not we are religious, faith is a powerful principle that can impact our minds and provide motivation for healing.

This form of treatment is great for people who like structure, have spirituality, and are looking for long-term peer support and giving back within the 12-step program.

SMART Recovery is based on empowering the individual within a four-step plan based on science and evidence-based practices. This plan teaches us to be self-reliant in our recovery, although there are meetings for peer support as well.

While the element of spirituality is not intertwined within this plan, spirituality is not forbidden, either. We are still able to follow this plan whether we are spiritual or not.

Although these two basic programs both set out to achieve the same outcome, they have different methods and ideas to help us get there. Additionally, there are many types of talk therapy available, as well as other kinds of evidence-based therapies, meditation, yoga, physical fitness, and exercise within the various facilities.

Ideally, we would find a facility that offers us the most choices for our treatment so that we can choose the way we want to recover.

The Power to Choose

When we have more options, we are more likely to take the steps to enter treatment. On some level, most of us like the idea of being in charge of our lives, and we might especially enjoy the opportunity to make the choices for our treatment.

This is a big step, and it can seem scary, especially to just trust someone else with our lives. However, if we are given the power to choose the types of therapy and treatments we feel most comfortable with, then we will be more comfortable trusting in those who are guiding us in our recovery journey.

Empowering Ourselves

When we are allowed to be the boss of our recovery we buy into our treatment. If we buy into our treatment plan we are comfortable because we were able to help choose our paths, and we are accountable to ourselves because we made our own choices.

Rather than having to buy into someone else’s plan, we have helped to create our plan for recovery, and that is powerful. We are more likely to succeed because we helped to design a treatment plan to fit us, using methods that are comfortable and appealing to us.

Increasing Success

No one enters treatment and goes through all of that work with the plan to fail. We all step on to our recovery journey to recover from our substance use.

The intention is not enough, though, because far too many people will relapse despite good intentions. However, when we have good intentions and we become empowered by buying into our treatment, we give ourselves better chances for success.

Being the boss of our treatment plan gives us greater power to succeed.

Entering treatment for substance use is not the same experience as it used to be. Now we have options. We can control our recovery destiny.

Not only can we choose our facility, but we can choose our treatment plans, too. By choosing a facility like AToN Center, we have the most options to plan for our success. Start your recovery like a boss.

Be the boss of your own recovery. Pick up the phone and call AToN Center at (888) 535-1516 now. Tell us how you want to recover. You’re the boss.

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